The People's Voice, LLC is a both civic and political organization. For Civic Donations, please mail a check payable to "The People's Voice, LLC" to the address below, and indicate "Civic Donation" on the "Memo" or "For" line.
For Political Donations, either mail a check payable to "The People's Voice, LLC, PAC" to the address below and indicate "Ethics Ballot" on the "Memo" or "For" line, or click the Donate button to contribute through PayPal. Donations through PayPal are only for the PAC at this time. Please note that membership access and/or benefits are not affected by donation or lack of donation to the PAC.
The People's Voice, LLC
3600 St Johns Ln Suite D
Ellicott City, MD 21042
General comments or inqueries can be emailed to:
Our phone number is: 410-288-0065