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The People's Voice Website FAQ

Have a question?  Please send us a message!

Category: General


What is the difference between your civic work and your political work?
The People's Voice LLC is both a civic and a political organization.  We are registered with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the MD Board of Elections.  We have trademarks on The People's Voice and Ethics Ballot.  We are a limited liability company (llc) with a Political Action Committee (PAC), and the two entities are separate.  The PAC sponsors the Ethics Ballot.


The People's Voice does civic non-political work, and its members and membership benefits are not affected by any sponsorship, donation or involvement with the PAC by any member.


Category: Joining and Logging In


How do I join The People's Voice?
To join or sign up for The People's Voice, simply click the "Login/Sign up" button, which is located at the top of every page.  Enter your email address and a password on the "Sign up" form to join The People's Voice.  Note that if you click a "Members Only" page (i.e., Project Info or Finance Reports) you will also be taken to the "Sign up" form.


I already joined The People's Voice. How do I log in?
To login to The People's Voice, click the "Login/Sign up" button, which is located at the top of every page.  In the top right corner of the "Sign up" form you will see "I'm already a user, Login".  Click on the word Login and the "Sign up" form will change to the "Login" form.  Enter your email address and password on the "Login" form to log into The People's Voice.


I forgot my password. What do I do?
From the "Login" form (to get to the "Login" form - click the "Login/Sign up" button, then click on "I'm already a user, Login") click the link "Forgot your password?"  Enter your email address on the "Reset Password" form, and you will receive an email from with a link to reset your password. Click the link in that email message, and you will be taken to the "Reset Password" form where you can enter a new password.


Why am I getting an "Email is invalid" message when I try to log in on my phone? My email address is correct.
If your email address looks correct, the most likely cause is that you selected the auto-complete entry offered by your phone. On some phones, selecting an auto-completed entry adds a space to the end of your entry. Check to see if there is a space at the end of your email address. If so, delete the space and the mobile login should work. 


Category: Member Services


What is the source of your information for Finance Reports and County Council/Boards?
Campaign Finance Reports are taken from the Maryland Board of Elections website, and County Council and Board schedules are taken from the Howard County Government website.


Why join The People's Voice if information is already available publicly?
There are many reasons to join The People's Voice:

  1. It is a "Single Stop Shop." If you are interested in this information, you do not need to navigate through various government websites to find it.

  2. Very easy access. Any Finance Report or information on any Council/Board meeting is just two or three clicks.

  3. Value-added insight. We highlight issues that have come to our attention regarding Council/Board agenda topics.

  4. We reach out to you. We send email messages alerting members of upcoming meetings along with any information we receive on agenda items.


Category: Blog


What is RSS?
RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication, or a few variations of the two. In brief, it is a news feed to which you can subscribe. Instead of having to bookmark sites and check back to see if there were changes, or sign up and receive an email notification of every change, RSS flips it around.  RSS allows you to have relevant and up-to-date information sent to you to read in your own time. A concise tutorial - HOW TO USE RSS FEEDS - is available from DigitalTrends.


How is the RSS subscription different from signing up for The People's Voice?
Signing up for The People's Voice allows you to access member only content, including County Schedules and Project Information as well as Campaign Financial Reports. When you sign up, you provide your email address and you make up a password. The People's Voice sends you periodic email messages letting you know when we have updated County Schedules and Project Information or other important information. We typically send 1 or 2 emails per month.


The RSS subscription is only for our blog. You do not sign up. You enter our RSS feed address "" into your RSS Reader, and when we add a new blog post, it gets sent to your RSS Reader instantaneously.


Do I need to be a member to subscribe to the blog?
No. You do not need to join The People's Voice to subscribe to our blog. The blog is open to the public; it is not a Member Service.


Why do I have to be logged into facebook or yahoo to leave a comment?
TPV is using a blog app that is part of our website, as opposed to using a separate blog site. This blog app comes with a facebook comments plugin, which provides an easy way for you to leave comments (e.g., if you are already logged into facebook, you do not need to do anything extra), and for us to know who is commenting.


Category: Supporting The People's Voice


How can I donate to The People's Voice?
The People's Voice, LLC is both a civic and political organization.  The easiest way to make a Political Donation (i.e., to the PAC) is by clicking the Donate button, which is located at the bottom of every page.  This will take you to PayPal, where you can select any amount to contribute to the PAC.  Alternatively, you can send a check payable to “The People's Voice, LLC, PAC” to 3205 B Corporate Court, Ellicott City MD 21042.  Indicate "Ethics Ballot" on the "Memo" or "For" line.  Please note that membership access and/or benefits are not affected by donation or lack of donation to the PAC.


At this time, the only way to make a Civic Donation is by sending a check payable to “The People's Voice, LLC” to 3205 B Corporate Court, Ellicott City MD 21042. Please indicate "Civic Donation" on the "Memo" or "For" line.



Please                   to The People's Voice    LLC, PAC

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Donate Button is for PAC -BALLOT QUESTIONS/


Membership access and/or benefits are not affected by donation or lack of donation to PAC

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© 2024 by Authority of The People's Voice     LLC PAC, Lisa Markovitz, Treasurer

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